GT Vision

GT-Vision, Gordon’s predictive bit positioning service brings continuous real-time bit
projections to every rig eliminating the expense and risk of near-bit instrumentation and
hardware. The revolutionary technology provides operators and directional drillers with
digital decision support through proprietary in-house developed Kalman filters and
sensor fusion. Bit inclination and azimuth projections are updated and displayed on the
compass rose every 0.2 feet enabling critical decision making with confidence.

Gordon is the source of drilling data and develops world-class sensors and sensor technology. As an OEM, we are 1 step closer to the data and fully understand the characteristics and performance of each sensor introduced to your wellbore. Vision bit projections are fast, accurate, and computed on location without the need for cloud services, WITSML, or 3rd party API. Developed utilizing the power of Gordon Digital and the Gordon Digital Data Lake, our proprietary algorithms incorporate 36 different input coefficients (WOB, TORQ, TF, ROP, RPM, etc.) spread across 12+ models at each survey point to determine precisely how each rig input affected the path as the BHA drilled from position A to position B. Machine learning and Kalman filters evaluate the 36! (3.72 x 1041) possibilities, further refining our model, and evaluating the constant changes of rig inputs as drilling continues. Directional Drillers and well stakeholders are provided with accurate, real-time bit inclination and bit azimuth predictions on the compass rose gaining insight and predictability around the wellbore trajectory.

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